Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Back To The Factory...

Well, I've been back in the factory for two days now, and ready to go back on leave... good thing I have about 60 days of leave the company wants me to use... I should just take them, and use them... All of them...

Can't believe that there is so much BS going on in that work environment down at Holden... If I were going to be there for more than 6 weeks I think I'd just go nuts...

I've never been in a position where I hate my job until now...

Monday, October 25, 2004

Birthday Presents! :-)

It's Katy's birthday on Thursday, and the clues haven't exactly been coming fast and free... Lisa and the guys are getting her something between all of them, and the only thing I've heard that she may like is a Brother P-Touch labeller...

Yesterday, I got a labeller, after about 1n hour of checking out the features of all the labellers Officeworks sell, and chose the one which had the best options out of the range available, aside from the computer controlled one... After dinner, Katy made mention 2 or 3 times about a laminator..

After we got home from work, and Katy head back to FTG, I jumped back in the car, and head straight to Officeworks, where I bought her an A4 laminator, and 3 different packets of laminating sheets, so she has a good choice of laminating bits and pieces...

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Unreliable as a Plumber...

Went down to Frankston this morning, to have the drivers window of the XT re-tinted, due to a blemish that has been there since the car was new... Been down there 2-3 times, but never rang through before prior to heading down, so this time they were actually able to replace the tint... I'm deadset impressed with all the auto trading guys in the vicinity of Cambur Motors. I was told at 10, that the car woul dbe ready at 11.00, and it was ready at 10.50... :-)

Had to get home for 13.00, as the plumber is supposed to be coming to unblock the kitchen drains, and at 14.36, there is still no plumber, and if I could find him in the phone book, I could ring the bastard, to find out where the fuck he is!!!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Time Out...

Finally, I've got a chance to take a few days off work... Ironically, 4 days off, before going back to a job I'm going to hate, but sort of have to help out with for a while...

Having just finished 6 months of service delivery, I don't know how the other guys do it for what seems like a lifetime...

Maybe it's the customer, but I'm going with the thing of if I'm not liking it, then I dont want to keep on with it...

I've been given the out, so I'm taking it...

Deep in my heart I'm a techo, and delivery management doesn't go hand-in-hand with the techo role...

Now, to get the e-mail inbox under control... 189 items, and 20 meg in size... hopefully it doesnt take my 4 days of leave to get it managable again...

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Note to Self....

Next time, before riding a 210 km event, remember to do more than 300 km of training in the 4 monthe before the event!!

Around The Bay, In A Day...

As posted to aus.bicycle:

Hi Folks,

our company team (Team EDS) met up with 18 of us in St Kilda Road, another 8 in Williamstown Road, and hit the queue at the bottom of the bridge at 5.25am.

As we progressed up the bridge, I had to feel sorry for the bloke who was already walking down, sporting a broken chain... Up the bridge was a nice climb to start the morning, and those orange sticks on the rubber bases look like they really hurt, judging by the reactions of the two people we saw hit them at at least 50 km/h. Hope you guys are ok!

The next leg of the ride, from Melbourne Road, through to Kororoit Creek Road was pretty uneventful, and although I know why BV had the ride diverted down the off ramps, and back up the on ramps, I think Police controlled crossings would have been more efficient.

After the ride diverted out along the official cycling route through Altona and into Werribee, we had split into three distinct groups, being our speed demons (who we didn't see for the rest of the day) our middle group, and our slow group.

Our slow group bypassed the Werribee rest stop, and picked up a nice bunch from the Clipper Group, sitting on about 32 km/h, who we sat with until we turned off the highway to head out through the back of Geelong, around the foreshore to our first stop at Rippleside, around 8.15.

After a few punctures, and a torn sidewall, the slow group arrived, had a 15 minute rest, and we picked up the pace to try and catch the 11.00 ferry.

A sore knee slowed me down a bit, until I caught a back wheel of one of our power riders, who pretty well towed me in slipstream through the Leopold hills, for the run down to Queenscliff, which we made around 10.15. On behalf of Team EDS, we hope the guy who had the heart attack around Leopold is ok!!

After queuing for what seemed like hours, we were allocated a 12.20 ferry, (our slow guys got the 14.00 ferry), given our lunch bags (did ANYONE get a PowerBar that wasn't cappuccino flavoured?), had lunch, a snooze, a walk around to stretch, and wandered down to get on the small ferry, which put us at Sorrento at about 13.30.

Heading out of Sorrento, our bunch split up again, as one of the guys had a cleat full of chewing gum and gravel (which we didn't find out about until Monday at work), over half of us grouped up, and head off, with 3-4 hanging back, while the cleat was cleaned.

Between Sorrento and Rosebud, we caught an Ericsson bunch, who were sitting on 35 or so, and shared a bit of the lead, and a lot of the slipstream most of the way to Dromana, where they pulled off for a break. Heading out of Dromana, we saw what would have been the "comedy stack" of the day, when the bunch leaders we were with decided a Barry Plant Real Estate - Open for Inspection sign was a route marker, and a traffic island was collected at
very slow speed...

The ride up to Mornington, especially Balcombe Hill sorted out any and most of our injuries, and identified any of the hill climbers with any strength left. Bunching up again, between Mornington and Frankston, my friend and I soon ended up leapfrogging between bunches and breaking out solo. approximately 15:00 into Frankston

After a 30 minute (a little too long, as shivering is a bad thing, right) at Frankston, we grouped back into approximately 12, but soon got split up by traffic lights, and the crappy road surface through Seaford.

My friend and I sat on mid 30's all the way down Beach Road, moving forward from pack to pack, amazed by how congested the traffic was.

Final arrival time at Docklands was 17:15, not long before things started being packed up.

The day went pretty much without any incident except for a single motorist just before Brighton Baths, who decided to cut my friend off, as a result of not using mirrors.

A big thanks to the Clipper Group bunch heading down the Geelong Road, the William Buck bunch between Geelong and Queenscliff, the Ericsson bunch between Rosebud and Dromana, and BV for putting a great day together again!!!

A big thanks to the remainder of Team EDS, who made the day very enjoyable!

Average Speed of 25, total distance of 214, ride time of 8 hours 14 mins.

